One of the main reasons is, I’m always interested to see what the young country kid, Scotty Mcreary is going to sing on every given week! Do they have a country week? wouldn’t that be funny if he actually got voted off on that week… naa, that’d never happen, everyone seems to love him! They call it the worlds greatest singing competition. I don’t get that! I realize they need a winner but music and the arts are subjective, how can you put Scotty Mcreary and Jacob Lusk on the same stage and decide who’s a better singer? I think Jacob’s vocal chords are actually BIGGER than Scotty’s head, which is pretty big! I’m sure he’ll grow into it… I think they’re both great at what they do and I know they’ll both have good careers. I’d like to see everybody song the same song and see who can do the most original and interesting cover of it… but I guess that still comes down to preference.
I wish them all the best and am looking forward to a thrilling finale… and no, I don’t have a favorite, I like them all
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